Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving. Here's a list of things I am thankful for: Life, Wife, Kids, House, Clean Water, Food, Friends, Freedom, Grace, Truth, Peace, Love, Hope, Salvation. Turkey, Stuffing, Gravy. As I reflect upon this list, I am reminded of how ungrateful I am every single day I take all of these things for granted. How often do I gripe and complain about what I don't have? A lot! Life is filled with hardships. Some are really hard to overcome. I've struggled with my health for almost 5 years now. I hate how it limits me. I hate how pain takes away my ability to give my strength to those I love, and to do the very things I love to do. But I am thankful for life. I still have life, breath, a mind to think, talents to share, people to love. I am thankful.