Sunday, January 6, 2013

Utah Church Planter's Summit

Church Planters Summit: Millions of People in Utah have never heard the Gospel. Hearts are now open more than ever. Now is the time for a church planting revolution. Please Mark your calendars for February 21-22. Pastors, Planters, Lay-Leaders, Agency and Denominational Leaders, and anyone who loves church planting are all invited to join us in the great discussion of the future of the Kingdom of God here in Utah. On Thursday evening we'll be discussing the future of Church Planting in Utah. On Friday we'll be sharing some exciting new developments in the world of disciple-making. We will be sharing, praying and discussing how each of us can follow God's leading, and how together we can make a greater impact for the Gospel here in Utah. We will end the evening Friday with an amazing worship concert. The Summit is free. Friday Lunch $10, Dinner on your own. Location: Alpine Church, Layton, UT. RSVP today: