Friday, June 27, 2014

Helping Churches Grow

If you're a pastor or Christian leader, I'm sure you’d agree with me that every church is designed by God to grow. It is a living spiritual organism that is to bring the life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and broken world. Yet, it is no secret that every church, no matter the size, has growth challenges. When attendance plateaus or declines, we become concerned. When attendance grows too quickly, there are organizational and leadership challenges that arise.

Intentional Churches helps pastors discover a strategic growth plan around how God designed your church to reach your community. IC’s team is made up of dedicated church leaders who want to see your church succeed.

As a member of the IC Team, and would like to talk with you about helping your church discover a fresh strategy for growth. I have a passion for the seeing the local church reach it’s full potential. I am dedicated to helping churches reach and disciple more people for Christ. I would like to offer myself, as an Intentional Churches Facilitator to help create or revive a strategic growth plan for your church.

If you would like to discover how Intentional Churches could partner with your church please contact me. I’d be glad to answer any questions you may have.

reach your potential - overcome barriers - grow your church and leaders - deploy your team – work together – reach your community