Sunday, January 11, 2015

Multiply your gospel impact

Everyone wants to make an impact in their world. Think of some people’s great ambitions: save the whales, end homelessness, stop human trafficking, end hunger, save the planet! These are big ambitions in a vast world. Most won’t become a reality on a grander scale, but on a small scale, people are making an impact in all these areas. Here are four ways to Multiply your gospel impact.

Develop Great Strategies: Nothing impactful happens without a plan. Could the Olympics bring all those athletes together to one city to complete in hundreds of events that are televised throughout the world without a plan? No way. You’ve heard the preachers share the plan of salvation, which is a multi-millennial strategy to save man’s soul. God is a planner! I will share later how you can get help in developing great strategies.

Invest in Leaders: If you’re a decent leader, there’s stuff you do to make things happen. If you want to multiply, you need to infuse those character qualities, skills, and know-how into other leaders. Give them what they need to succeed. Mentor one leader, or start a training class for 12. Find a book that’s helped you, and read it through with some of your leaders and discuss it.

Pass it on: I work with church planters through a group called A pastor recently approached us to ask how to get his church to look outward. So we’ve planned a free ministry workshop and a few key leaders from 5 different churches will be passing on some strategies on how other churches can multiply their gospel impact by having evangelism mindset. Are you making an effort to pass what you know on to other church leaders? If you do, you will multiply your gospel impact.

Poor & Powerless: You can multiply your gospel impact by creating a strategy to reach the poor of your community. No matter what community you live in, you don’t have to look hard to find people who are hurting. Single moms, Military families, homeless, low income, battered spouse shelters, refugees, or even entire neighborhoods. Jesus said to go to the highways and byways and compel them to come in.

So are you having trouble with the strategy piece? There are some great leaders who are willing to help. Intentional Churches will partner with you discover the church God made you to be, and create strategies that will multiply your gospel impact. Whether your church is small, medium or large, the call of God to do fulfill the great commission still stands. Let’s do it!

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