Monday, August 2, 2010

My Friends

I have great friends! The last 12 months has been a long year. I have been an interim campus pastor at K2 The Church South Campus along with my buddy Brad Olsen. This on top of our regular jobs, mine as Children's Director, and Brad as Arts Director. In the long hours, endless meetings and conversations, and managing change, I have learned much. First, I have learned that good friends rise to the occasion when the pressure rises. Many of my friends have joined in the sacrifice and long hours. We were not alone in this because we had friends who loved us, cared for us, and carried our burdens with us.

Galatians 6:2 says, "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." I am so grateful for my friends. I'm so grateful that my friendship with Brad has deepened. I am thankful to Jesus that he has brought us all together in Utah to reach this community for Him.

This week, we move from one house to another house. And guess who is helping. All my friends. Thank You.

Next Month, my 3rd Daughter will be born. I am thankful that even during all the trials we have faced at our church, that our family is closer than it ever has been. Again, Thank you to all our friends who have supported us, made us meals when we were sick, and took care of our kids when we needed help.

This year I am declaring a year of rest. In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." I want to rest in Jesus' presence. I want to receive from him the rest only he can give. Not to be lazy but to be rested up for the next adventure he has for me and my family.

Thank you my friends. I pray for you always that Christ will bless you and use you mightily!

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