Monday, February 18, 2013

How do you love 2.5 Million People

How do I love like God? How do I love 2.5 Million people? These are exciting times here in Utah, at least in my little sphere. I'd love to share them with you, and if you want to join me in prayer, please do. There is an overwhelming feeling that comes over you when you're on a mission, and it seems insurmountable. That would be the mission we are on here in Utah, reaching over 2 million people who have never heard the gospel of grace and truth. And that's the majority -- maybe even 95% of the people. K2 The Church: This week the leadership is praying and fasting for God's leading for a property. We've just maxed out every square inch of our current facility, and are lacking essential ministry space on the weekend. We're praying for unity and direction as we seek the place God wants us to go. How is this love? Because God loves every person who has yet to know him. And so we must make room for all the people he is drawing to our church and more. We are seeking a new property out of love for the people of our valley! Loving Utah: I'm excited about a new Church Planting Network that we are launching on Thursday, called Loving Utah. A group of Pastors from different churches and denominations, are joining forces to welcome, train, recruit and encourage church planters for the work here in Utah. We've been pretty grass-roots up to this point, but we will be gathering to pray with over 50 church leaders, church planters, educators, and denominational leaders to share how can be a blessing to them. How is this love? Jesus said that the world will know his love, if we are in unity, and love each other. We want the people of Utah to know they are loved! Nick Vujicic: Utah Governor Gary Herbert has invited Nick to address every High School and Middle School in Utah on the subject of suicide and bullying, an epidemic here in Utah. Utah has one of the highest teen suicide rates in the country, and bullying is a big problem too. Nick was born with no arms or legs, but is filled with God's Spirit and has the opportunity to reach thousands of people on March 7-9. At the school assemblies, Nick will invite students to three evening events, where he will share his faith. God's love is going to shine like the sun when Nick speaks. So how do you love 2.5 million people? Loving one person at a time. Praying for God's leading. Obeying Him daily. I've got to go pray now! Will you join me?

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