Saturday, February 2, 2013

What if Christians loved like God?

What if Christians loved like God? "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. That's the standard -- the base line. "Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8. As a pastor starting out my third decade in ministry, I've come to realize that all distractions, disunity, disagreement, disloyalty, disappointment, discouragement, disruptive and all the other dis's stem from a lack of God's love. And at the core of all of these are a result of sin, which always fights against love. You see, God's love is unstoppable, unending, undeserved, unexplainable, undeniable, unbelievable, understanding. Recently, the Holy spirit pointed out to me that I didn't love a man I do business with. I was always kind to him. I treated him with respect. He's not always the easiest person to interact with, but I've always tolerated him. Then I imagined John 3:16 saying, "God so tolerated the world that he . . . ." So I decided just to love the guy. I treated him as someone dearly loved by God. I looked at him as a lost person who Jesus loves, and who the Father wants to spend eternity with. So what was my excuse? Why didn't I love him. Because I didn't want to. And for me, that was a sin! If the love of God is in you, than all the qualities of God's love (which would take an eternity to describe), are IN YOU! But you must tap into it. If God's love is in you, you can love the whole world. Think about someone you tolerate. Now ask yourself: "Do I love that person?" If not, ask yourself "why?" Now Think about someone you can't stand being around. Now ask yourself: "Do I love that person?" If not, ask yourself "why?" It's not enough that you believe God loves those people. God put them in your life, so YOU have to love them. And you can love them, because the Love of God is in you. Tap into God's love today. What if you loved every person you interacted with like God loves that person? How would your relationships be different? How would it change your heart? How would people react differently towards you? Try it!

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