Saturday, July 5, 2014

3 Ways to Grow Your Church

I joined the staff of K2 The Church in Salt Lake City 8 years ago, just a few months before their 2nd Anniversary. The church had already grown to 800 people, and would double in size over the next few years. Below are three principles we lived by that brought growth. I’ve also asked some questions you can ask yourself and your staff if you are serious about seeing your church grow.

1. Be different. What makes your church unique? If you were to ask a lost person in your town, “What makes our church different from other churches?” What would they say? When we planted our church, there was nothing else like it in Salt Lake City. We started a hybrid weekend service, which I can best describe as Seeker Church meet Believer’s service all wrapped up with a bow on top. To those believers bogged down bunker mentality churches, this was a breath of fresh air. To the unreligious, it was intriguing enough to give it a shot. To the Mormons it was culture shock.

2. Go after those nobody else is reaching. Have you ever looked at the demographics near your church and asked, “is there people no other church is reaching?” Have you ever made a list of the types of lost people in your community? Nearly every church plant in the history of Salt Lake City came to reach the Mormons, or create an outpost for their denomination. But there was an entire population in the city of people fleeing from religion, not interested in God, or so burned by religion, they’d never darken the door of a church. That was our target, and by God’s grace over 10,000 individuals have attended one of our services in 10 years.

3. Lead with Reckless Faith. Do you believe you are called to reach your city? Or are you just holding Christian services? What’s the most reckless thing you’ve done out of faith in the last year? At our church, we just believe that Jesus will change lives, and that we are called to reach them. We’ll do whatever it takes to reach one more. And we continue to be flooded with people who are far from the God who loves them dearly.

If you want to grow, pose the questions above to your staff or elder board. Ask them to be truthful. See what they think. Then ask them if they are satisfied with the answers, or not.

If I can be of any help, please contact me.

by church leaders //
for church leaders

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