Friday, July 11, 2014

Leaders Under Your Nose

Leadership 101.1

If you ask any church staff member what their greatest need is, one of the answers you’ll likely get is, “I need more leaders”. Believe it or not, there are all kinds of leaders right under your nose. If you don’t look for them you may never see them. And if you don’t identify them in the next few years, they may be gone. Don't miss this opportunity to find the leaders you desperately need.

A couple years ago our children’s ministry staff shared their concern over lack of leaders. I told them to follow me on a Sunday, and I’d show them where they could find a bunch of leaders. I walked them to the 5th and 6th Grade class and said, “In four years, these kids will be 15 & 16 years old. In 6 years they’ll be adults. Train them to lead now, and you’ll have leaders for the long haul.

To their credit, they latched on to the idea, and LIT was born: Leaders In Training. Teens and pre-teens are trained to lead a small group, lead worship, lead children and teens in prayer, and share the salvation message. They are learning lessons they are applying right now, and leadership and spiritual care for others is part of their character. They receive continued training and leadership from dedicated adults who believe in them.

You may be missing a great opportunity to fill your church with leaders for years to come. So take a look under your nose, and see the leaders of today and tomorrow. Remember how God surprised the adult Bible leaders all the time. As a boy, Samuel heard God’s voice. Jesus taught the temple leaders at the age of 12. Josiah was a king before he was a teenager. David killed a giant. A young Jewish slave led her Assyrian master, Naaman, to the healer.

Recently in Salt Lake City we graduated 21 new Leaders in Training and we have over 80 leaders (grades 6-12) serving all over our church. Watch this video and be inspired. And then on Sunday, stop by your 5th and 6th Grade Sunday school classroom and see them with different eyes.
by church leaders //
for church leaders

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