Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Three E’s of Great Leadership: Encourage, Equip & Empower

Leadership 101.2

If you are reaching spiritually lost people with the Gospel, then your staff is in the spiritual fight of their lives. And you better be aware. Recently our staff has been engaging this subject intensely and upping our commitment to prayer, and care for one another. We live in a state where only 2% of the population attends a gospel-centered evangelical church. There is both a spirit of religion and anti-religion that pervades our culture. Our staff has experienced spiritual attacks in many ways, but the most devious of all is the lie of the enemy, telling each of them that they have no business leading in the kingdom. As we’ve been authentic and acknowledged it to each other in staff meetings, the enemies schemes are being rendered powerless.

What are you doing for your leaders to help them fight spiritual battles?

There’s three words people throw around in leadership development that I’ve seen in a new light recently: Encourage, Equip, and Empower.

Encourage your leaders: Don’t just pat them on the back, tell them they’re doing a good job. Although these are great things, they are weak in comparison to the the enemy who stabs them in the back at the end of the day and tells them they are a loser. EnCOURAGE by giving your staff Courage! Tell them you are with them, stop in their office and pray for them, ask them how they are doing, and then listen. Give them time, give them courage!

Equip your leaders: I’ve been guilty of needing a staff position, hiring someone and telling them, “here’s your job description, now good luck!” Often times this has left individuals feeling ill equipped to do their jobs. Remember when Saul gave David the shepherd boy his armor. Sure, it was great for Saul, but too big and encumbering for David. Find ways to give your leaders the EQUIPment they need do the job. Get them to read the best books and discuss them in small groups of peers. Find a local ministry training, or online course that will give them the right weapons to fight with.

Empower your leaders: I have also been guilty of delegating jobs to people without empowering them. to empower really means to give POWER. Our ultimate source of power comes from the Holy Spirit. So as a leadership team, pray with and for each other – often! Don’t let that slip. Then when you give someone a task or job, give them authority to do it! Stand by them in the beginning, have their back always, and be ready to invest time giving feedback in truth and grace. Show respect. Don’t trump their decision. Coach them to learn from mistakes, and re-empower them when they feel like failures.

In doing all these things, you will have a team that is strong in the Lord, and in his mighty power.
by church leaders //
for church leaders

1 comment:

  1. Leadership acknowledges and follows up on the paradox of power: you get to be all the more compelling when you dole your own power away. Leadership skills development training programs
